HOGNI - Soul Company: 1:08 - 1:31 From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq8OSoX7NPo (Published on Oct 23, 2010 by "HOGNI") ♪ Let’s found a church ♪ ♪ Let’s get a crowd now ♪ ♪ Let’s go get baptized ♪ ♪ And then go out chasing new members ♪ ♪ Flooding the streets ♪ ♪ In orange costumes ♪ ♪ You clap your hands ♪ ♪ I’ll shake my chimes ♪ ♪ Just like the Hare Krishna ♪ ♪ Hare Hare! ♪ HOGNI - Soul Company (Video Title),2010 (Video Upload Year),yt:cc=on