Cee & Bekah - Revolution feat Arte Y Lenguaje: 1:02 - 1:13 In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Cee raps: ♪ From the Buddhists, Jews, Muslims and Hare Krishnas ♪ ♪ These bigot Christian fundamentalists are worse than terroristas ♪ ♪ It’s all the same thing, just a different name man ♪ ♪ The spiritual side is losing to the political right ♪ From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWRe9PdX8d0 (Published on Jan 15, 2009 by "TheMovementFam") Cee & Bekah - Revolution feat Arte Y Lenguaje (Video Title),2009 (Video Upload Year),The Soul Movement Volume 2 (Music Album Title),Cee & Bekah (Musical Group),Revolution (Song Title),Cee (Musical Artist),Bekah (Musical Artist),Arte Y Lenguaje (Musical Artist),yt:cc=on