Apache Indian - religion 2000: 1:39 - 1:53 Somewhere in the UK, Apache Indian (Steven Kapur) sings: ♪ Me say me learn bout Rama and Hare Krishna ♪ ♪ Guru Gobind Singh and the height of Allah ♪ ♪ Me look to the east and pray to Mecca ♪ ♪ Jesus Christ Christian messiah ♪ ♪ Ina Jerusalem was born the saviour ♪ From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQeqUEDEcA4 (Published on Aug 20, 2016 by "zuluonedrop A") Apache Indian - religion 2000 (Video Title),2016 (Video Upload Year),Religion (Song Title),Karma (Music Album Title),Apache Indian (Musical Artist),yt:cc=on